As your Alumni Foundation, we look forward to helping you in any way that we can.  We can help you plan a reunion or get in touch with former classmates.  We want to share your accomplishments and keep you informed about what others are doing.  We want to keep you up to date with what is happening at LWCHS.

If you are not a member yet, please take this opportunity to join and support the Alumni Foundation.  Your tax deductible donation goes to support our scholarship program for deserving LWCHS students.

Please click here to visit the Alumni Foundation website.

If you have any questions about the Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation or if we can assist you in any way, please contact us at or LWHS Alumni Foundation, PO Box 15004, West Palm Beach, FL 33416.

Alumni Board Meetings:

When: 2nd Thursday of each month

Where: LWCHS Trojan Den

6:30 p.m.

You do not have to have attended or graduated from Lake Worth High School to be a LWHS Alumni Foundation member.

Thank you for your continued support.