Ensure that your name or the name of a loved one will live permanently by endowing a scholarship in that person's name. Simply stated, a minimum contribution of $20,000 to Lake Worth Dollars for Scholars Foundation in the name of the person to be honored will remain in an endowment in perpetuity. After the scholarship is endowed, only the interest generated each year will be awarded in scholarships. The principal amount will remain untouched. Most endowments start with a modest contribution and grow to the goal of $20,000 over a period of years. When the principal amount reaches $20,000, the scholarship is fully endowed. Historically. our investments earn 7% each year.
An endowment of $20,000 will earn $1,400 per year and will be awarded to a financially needy student.
For more information on endowments, contact: DFS at lakeworthdollarsforscholars@gmail.com.